CANW Constitution

Constitution and Rules


1. The name of the Association shall be the Coppice Association North West

2. a) To provide a means whereby members may come together for discussion of matters of mutual interest; 
b) To promote coppice woodland management and associated practices and business techniques and the continued existence of woodlands and woodland conservation;
c) To provide information, training and guidance of relevance to members; 
d) To co-operate with organisations of similar or complementary objectives in appropriate ways to the benefit of members;
e) To provide a means whereby the quality of members’ products may be enhanced;
f) To provide a means of negotiation with third parties on behalf of members; 
e) To present publicly the views of members.


3. a) Membership of the Association shall be open to all who support the objects of the Association. Members shall have the right to participate in all the activities of the Association.
b) Associate Membership shall be open to organisations. Associate Members shall have the same rights as Members except that they shall not have the right to vote at the Annual General or Special General Meetings. 
c) The Association shall have the right to exclude from Membership or Associate Membership individuals or organisations deemed unfit. 
d) The candidates for Membership or Associate Membership shall apply in writing to the Association and, after due entry has been made in the records of the Association, shall be notified of their acceptance. 
e) Individuals eligible for Membership shall have attained eighteen years of age at the date of application.

4. The annual subscription for Members and Associate Members shall be as fixed from time to time by the Annual General Meeting of the Association and as appearing in the Rules appended to this Constitution, and shall be payable in advance on January 1st each year. The financial year shall end on December 31st each year.
5. Members or Associate Members whose annual subscription is twelve months in arrears shall not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges of Membership or Associate Membership and any Member or Associate Member whose subscription is more than one year in arrears may be removed from the Association by the Committee.
6. Any individual who has rendered service to the Association, or is distinguished for the pursuit of the objects of the Association, may be proposed by the Committee for election as Honorary Member at the Annual General Meeting. The number of Honorary Members shall not exceed ten at any one time.

7. a) The management of the Association shall be vested in the Committee of the Association. 
b) Members of the Association shall annually be entitled to elect not more than six of their number to the Committee of the Association.
c) The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt such persons as may be able to provide guidance on such matters as the Committee may consider necessary.
8. a) The Annual General Meeting shall elect a Chairman. The Chairman’s period of office shall not exceed three years in total, after which the Chairman must stand down for a minimum period of one year.The Annual General Meeting may also elect a Vice-Chairman of the Association.
b) Immediately following the Annual General Meeting the Committee shall elect from among its members a Secretary, a Treasurer, and may also elect an Assistant Secretary who shall, together with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be the Officers of the Association.
9. Election to the Committee shall be for one year terminating at the closure of the Annual General Meeting. Those retiring shall be eligible for re-election.
10. Each year the Committee may nominate an annual Honorary President and may also nominate not more than two annual Honorary Vice-Presidents, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
11. The Committee, of whom four of the current membership shall form a quorum, shall meet during the three months prior to the Annual General Meeting and at other times when summoned by any officer of the Association.

12. The Treasurer shall receive and keep accounts of all funds of the Association, and shall produce accounts and vouchers whenever required by the Committee and shall also present accounts annually. All proper accounts relating to the Association shall, in each year, be prepared under the supervision of the Committee and shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Annual General Meeting. These accounts shall be transmitted to the Annual General Meeting. The property of the Association, including all its incomes, shall be paid or applied in a legal manner solely for the aforesaid objects of the Association and no part thereof shall be distributed to any Member or Associate Member of the Association by way of profit, provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent the remuneration of any person or persons for any services rendered or work done to or for the Association whether or not such person or persons are Members or Associate Members of the Association.

13. The Secretary shall, as directed by the Committee, make arrangements for the conduct and organisation of all meetings. The Secretary shall take minutes of General, Special and Annual General Meetings of the Association and of the Committee and enter them regularly in the records of the Association. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association and shall report to the Committee all that related to the business of the Association. The Committee may delegate such of the duties of the Secretary to an Assistant Secretary as they deem fit.

14. a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting. Other meetings of the Association shall be held as directed by the Committee. Not less than twentyone days’ notice shall be given to Members by the Secretary and the objects of the meeting shall be stated therewith. 
b) A Special Meeting shall be called if requested by one-third of the Membership of the Association.

15. This Constitution shall not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting for which twentyone days’ notice shall be given and the full text of the proposed alterations shall be announced in the circular to call the meeting. Any alteration shall require a two-thirds majority of those Members present and voting.

16 a) Matters appended to this Constitution in interpretation of this Constitution shall be known as the “Rules” of the Association. 
b) The Rules shall be reviewed annually by the Committee. 
c) Alteration of the Rules shall be by simple majority of those present and voting at an Annual or Special Meeting of the Association on the proposal of the Committee.

17. The Association shall not be dissolved except at a Special Meeting called for that purpose. One month’s notice shall be given to all Members by Recorded Delivery Post and the Resolution of the Dissolution shall require a majority of two-thirds of the Members present and voting, together with those who have communicated their views to the officers of the Association in writing. Any property of the Association whatsoever which remains after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be sold as directed by the Committee and the monies realised thereby transferred to such organisation as the Committee shall decide, provided that the organisation shall be competent to receive those monies and shall undertake to use those monies for purposes connected with the enjoyment or conservation of woodlands or the countryside generally.
RULES (as from AGM 1999)

1. Membership subscription shall be £15 per annum. (Concessions : Two members at one address, £20. Unwaged and students £8) Associate Membership subscription shall be £20 per annum. 
2. A non-quorate meeting of the Committee shall be empowered to forward immediate business of the Association provided that an Officer is present and that such action is endorsed by the next following quorate meeting.
3. The Committee shall open a bank account, or other similar suitable location for the funds of the Association, provided that signatures for withdrawal shall not be less than any two out of three persons.