National Coppice Federation AGM & gathering 10-12th October

This will be held at The Weald & Down Living Museum, Sussex, 

If you haven’t been to the Weald & Down it is really fantastic. Imagine, dismantling 50-odd medieval timber framed buildings fro around the country & re-constructing them joint by joint into a working village/farm/market on a single site, complete with historians in period dress re-enacting the skills & feeding you bits of unleavened bread dipped in mead…

If you’ve any interest in heritage woodcraft at all you’ll absolutely love it. Oh, and there’s the NCFed AGM & gathering too!!!

If there’s enough interest the CANW committee have proposed hiring a minibus & making it a social outing. Please let me know if you’d be interested in coming so we know whether we need to hire a minibus, or just a mini…