Oak Bark peeling and woodland maintenance – 31st May 2019

You are cordially invited to another Oak Bark peeling day at Moss and Heights Spring Wood, Bouth.Come and join us for a relaxed day to the sound of Oak releasing its tenuous grip to its bark covering.
Great social day and at the end of the day the bark will be gathered and bundled, stored in a dry location ready to be collected for its journey down to the last tannery in the UK that uses oak bark to tan its leather – JF & J Baker in Devon.
During the day, there will also be some remedial work to be done on the Wood – boardwalk repair and some overhang to be cut back along the road.
See you there, 10 am start.

Moss & Heights Springs Wood (MHSW)


Proposed National Coppice Week 2019-we need your input!

So, what is National Coppice Week?
It’s a week of events throughout the UK focusing on coppicing, coppice products and the many benefits of the management of British woodlands by coppicing.

Actually we are proposing 9 days – including two weekends, 12th-20th October, launching at the NCFed weekend Gathering and AGM in Herefordshire on 12th October.
What does it aim to achieve?
To raise the profile of:

  1. Coppicing – what it is and why it’s done
  2. Products of the UK’s coppiced woodland
  3. The benefits of buying local and the problems often associated with imported products, especially charcoal
  4. Habitat and biodiversity benefits associated with coppice management
  5. Coppicing’s heritage

Please see attached document for full explanation of the proposal: