Spar training 31st May

  • Spar Making Workshop

Thanks for your replies. This will be held at Sprint Mill on Friday 31st of May.

Graham has offered to run this event for CANW members for free. Perhaps we could ask people to drop a small contribution to his fuel costs into a hat on the day if you feel able?

All welcome, more the merrier.

The idea is for Graham to share his skills and knowledge so that we might be better equipped to develop the thatching spar market in the north of England. There is growing interest from the thatching community in sourcing UK made spars in preference to imports, but currently there is very little supply anywhere in the country to meet the demand, & the skills are fast disappearing.

If you are able, I suggest bringing along some examples of what you “think” a decent gad should look like. There is likely to be discussion about material selection & tolerances, & it would be helpful to have some extra material to work with. If you don’t have access to hazel don’t worry, there will be enough around to enable the session to go ahead.

Meet / start time to follow…

  • Timber Framing Course (September 9-13th) 

Jack Holden is running a timber framing course – please see attached information & contact Jack directly for booking. [email protected]

  • Glass Knott Earthburn

Details still to be confirmed for this, except that it will now be held in late July/August rather than late June as I said in my previous email. Watch this space…

  • Weekend In The Woods

Still a few too many tickets left. Bring your grannie….