Rusland Horizons on Track

Friday 27 September from 4.30pm

Join us for a special get-together to celebrate the completion of the eight Greenwood Trails and the launch of the Rusland Horizons Trust.

At 4.30 pm we will gather for a modest walk along one of the latest Greenwood Trails, this will then be followed by general frivolity and merriment back at the Grizedale Café from 6.30 pm. There will be a ceremonial ‘handover’ of Rusland Horizons from the Partnership to the new Trust (with the very minimum of speech-making), as well as displays, films and copies of all the Rusland Horizons publications.

More details can be found in the newsletter issued last week, if you have not seen this then please check your spam file as it appears a number of our recent emails have been delivered into this file rather than your inbox.

Alternatively you can find details on the What’s On page of our Website

We look forward to seeing you there!

From all at Rusland Horizons

Job Opportunity

Mersey Forest Job Opportunity – Community Development

The Mersey Forest has a vacancy for a Community Development Officer. This role is critical for the delivery and development of our Forest Plan ambitions.

I wonder if you could circulate the link to your networks and anyone you think might be interested?

Paul Nolan

Project Director | The Mersey Forest Team

Tel. 01925 816217