Oak Bark Peeling

There will be a work day at Moss & Height Springs Wood, Bouth, on 19th June (Monday). The day is organised by BHMAT & all CANW members are invited.

Please drop Twiggy a line if you intend to come ([email protected])

The task will be peeling oak trees, possibly one of the most satisfying things one can do on a summer’s day. If you don’t believe me just watch this with the sound on: https://youtu.be/-bdcXtBK5kw

The bark goes to the last remaining oak bark tannery in the UK (JFJ Baker) with proceeds donated to BHMAT.

If you’re interested in the process of oak bark leather tanning, see here: https://www.jfjbaker.co.uk/the-process

If you haven’t been to one of these events it’s generally a great chance to hang out with some woodspeople & learn loads of stuff…